VBS 2024 Registration

Click on one of the following links to register for VBS 2024:
  • Nursery   (under 4 years old as of 06/01/2024 and PARENT IS VOLUNTEERING AT VBS ALL WEEK)
  • VBS Jr.   (4 years old as of 06/01/2024 through those entering Kindergarten in the Fall of 2024) WAIT LIST!
  • Children   (entering 1st through 4th grade in the Fall of 2024)
  • Elevate   (entering 5th or 6th grade in the Fall of 2024)
  • Teen Volunteers   (entering 7th grade through entering College in the Fall of 2024)
  • Adult Volunteers

NOTE: VBS registration consists of 2 steps:

  1. Registering using the links shown above.
  2. Paying HERE
Your registration is not finalized until you completed both steps 1 and 2.

For more information, contact Children's Ministries at vbs@chapelwood.org.